Wellness Coaching
I'd love to walk with you on your wellness journey.
Amy Jackson, owner of The Perch, offers Wellness Coaching through one-on-one meetings where you can gain clarity, receive support, and create meaningful and realistic goals. Whether we meet in-person at The Perch or online through Zoom, I'll invite you to do a simple assessment to see which of the 10 dimensions of wellness you'd like to focus on. I'll serve as a gentle guide by asking thoughtful questions and pointing out themes and connections. Together we'll identify things you can do to improve your overall wellness, and you'll walk away with practical ideas.
Wellness Coaching is perfect for anyone who is feeling disconnected from themself, experiencing burnout, struggling to make self-care a regular part of their lives, processing a tricky situation in life, identifying their purpose, figuring out who they are in a new season of life, working through a faith transition, trying to reconnect with who they are, going through change or transition, or deciding their next steps.
My approach is gentle, encouraging, and compassionate. Many people choose to meet monthly for a period of time so that we can connect several times to work on your goals.​

​Wellness Coaching Sessions are for 60 minutes and can be in-person or through Zoom.
60 minute Coaching Session: $125
Or purchase a pack of 3 Coaching Sessions for $330, and you'll save $45!
To get started, you can schedule a 15-minute call to ask more questions, or jump to scheduling your first session.
What People Are Saying About Coaching Sessions
"Our sessions have given me a safe space to explore who I am."
"Coaching has made an enormous impact on my mental and spiritual well-being. It's a safe space for me to explore my feelings and questions about where I've been, where I am, and where I might be in the future."
"Amy effortlessly makes me feel seen and heard in the midst of challenges. She helps me ground myself in spiritual and emotional practices that I can do in between our meetings."
"Amy is such a good listener! I always leave our sessions with gratitude and hope. No matter what I face afterward, I have a renewed spirit and tools to act and reflect."
"In the jumble of things clamoring for our attention, it’s difficult sometimes for me to hear from my soul. Amy patiently listens and finds connection points to healing, as well as moments of challenge for growth, which helps me reconnect to my Creator and my being."
What Will We Do During My Coaching Session?
We'll meet for one hour either in-person at The Perch or online through Zoom. I’ll ask thoughtful questions and hold space for you as we explore your wellness needs and goals. People say that our conversations help them find clarity, process difficult situations, work through tough decisions, move forward when life feels tricky, feel supported and affirmed, and gain practical resources.
Are Coaching Sessions Only for Women?
No! Coaching is open to all adults (18+), regardless of gender.
Can I Schedule a Virtual Session?
Yes! I'm happy to meet with you in-person at The Perch or virtually through Zoom. Just designate your preference when you book your session.
Can I Set Up Recurring Coaching Sessions?
Yes! It is often helpful to set up monthly meetings to check in as you continue in your wellness journey. You'll have an opportunity to set up another session at the end of each session.
Is It Okay to Just Do One Coaching Session?
Coaching Sessions can be absolutely done only once. You may find that you get what you need in just one session, and that's great! This is especially true if you're looking for very targeted help with a specific issue. You can also try one out and then decide when you're ready to meet again.
What Should I Bring to My Session?
There's no need to bring anything! If you have specific things you want to talk about, or specific questions you have for me, you can jot those down or make a mental note. Otherwise, I'll kick off our time with a few questions to get the conversation going.
How Do I Get Started?
Email Amy Jackson directly to set up your 15-minute intro call. Click the link or email info@theperchplace.com. We'll find a good time to meet and answer any additional questions you may have. Or, pay for your sessions on my store site and I'll contact you to set up your first session!